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PTV Visum - Licensing/Activation - Lizenzierung/Aktivierung
PTV Visum - Licensing/Activation - Lizenzierung/Aktivierung
CodeMeter: "Failure reason: CmContainer Entry not found, Error 200"/Dongle defect
CodeMeter: "The Expiration Time is overrun...Error 35"/"Error 200"/single workplace
CodeMeter: "Error when checking out the main license server (server: .., license number: ..). The license number 10000 has not been found on a Codemeter stick. Error code: 200."/Network license
CodeMeter/License Management: Error message/create Support request
Can I use a single-workplace license over Remote Desktop? (Error 212/Error 239)
Background map service "Bing Maps" expired
CodeMeter: "The maintenance period of the requested license (..) has expired."
License: "You are using an academic license. In this case the telemetry servers must be reachable"
Installing & using the PTV License Manager
Opening license management in PTV Vision products
Updating a single-user license
Using a license from a license server
Activating a new single-user license
Activating a new license on a license server (floating network license)
Returning a single-user license
Borrowing a license from a license server to your computer
Preparing a floating network license for borrowing
Accessing a new cloud license container
Updating a license on a license server (floating network license)
Selecting a license for usage
How can I check the ability to reach a CmCloud license?
Returning a floating network license
Activating a new license on a computer without an internet connection
Updating a license on a computer without an internet connection
Firewall and Proxy settings
Returning a license on a computer without an internet connection
Using a PTV Hub license