Views: 3131

Note: A new license is generally limited until payment has been received. After payment, the time limit will be removed, and we will immediately inform you about the update.


To use floating cloud licenses, your computer must first be given access to the cloud license container. To do this, you must use a credentials file (file extension *.wbc). You will receive this file from PTV as part of the delivery.

The following process must be carried out on all computers from which the cloud license will be used:

1. Open the License Management window with the standalone PTV License Manager or, from product version 2021, directly in your PTV Vision product. Please make sure to install the latest service pack before you proceed.

2. Click on the CodeMeter Settings symbol to open the configuration. If you do not see this symbol, the installed service pack is outdated. In that case, please update the application first.


3. Click the Import Credentials for Cloud Container symbol.


4. Select the credentials file and click Open.


5. Finally, please confirm the following message:


6. If you want to automatically use licenses from the cloud container at program start, please proceed as described in Selecting a license for usage.