
As you probably know PTV is able to compute toll based on future tariffs in many countries of the world. The underlying data is automatically updated through a component named Content Update Service (also known as CUS).
In most cases the new tariffs are updated before the tariffs take place on an official level. And of course this is what we prefer.
But in some exceptional cases the PTV toll updates release date is after the official provider’s release date and here’s why:

  • Provider timeline : Sometimes we do not get the final provider tariffs in advance (typically in France) – in this case the dependency on the provider is crucial, we can’t resolve this by design.
  • Priority : Though the data is available within PTV before the provider’s release date maybe there are too many new tariff update working packages around the same time (e.g. if several countries decide to update tariffs on a special date such as. 1.1. on short notice) – In this case our product management has to prioritize the working packages and road map and the data team will prepare the data based on prios.

If you encounter a delay for a specific country, map and engine let us know.
At least we will try to let you know when the estimated PTV release will be available according to the latest road map.

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