
When the polling mechanism is not set in the contentupdateservice.conf it is possible that you get an error message that shows a timeout while accessing the PTV server that delivers the updates.
Error message: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to [,] failed: Connection timed out: connect

This error can be avoided in some cases by enabling the polling mechanism. To change this edit the polling section in the contentupdateservice.conf from the conf folder of your Content Update Service installation:

            polling {
                enabled = true
                interval = 300s

If the error still persists it might look different in the logs of the Content Update Service.

2023-07-19 09:53:02,688;WARN;1689752834477;com.ptvgroup.content.cus.job.LdsPollingJob;

Problem with LDS connection while downloading a list of layer meta data using the following filter Layer Id : [] | Layer Type : PTV_FeatureLayer | Map Name : [] | Theme : [PTV_TrafficIncidents] | Vendors : [tomtom] | Reference Provider : null | Reference Data Version : null.

In those cases the are two possiblites that you can check to make sure your local network does not prevent accessing the service.

  1. Check local and general firewall rules that might prevent access to this URL.  If you enter the URL in your browser you should see a page that states “IT WORKS”. This is an indication that the connection to the lds service is possible from the browser but it still can fail when the Content Update Service is using a proxy connection.
  2. Set the proxy settings section in the contentupdateservice.conf if authorization is required for a local proxy server.

To connect to a data provider (i. e. PTV Layer Delivery Server) via a http proxy please add a core.proxy section to the configuration.

Currently, basic authentication and NTLM (Windows) is supported.

proxy {
    host = ... // the proxy host
    port = ... //the proxy port
    user = ... // the user name for proxy authentication
    password = ... // the user password for proxy authentication
    ntlm.domain = ... // Windows domain for proxy authentication with NTLM
    workstation = ... // local name of the server that is running PTV Content Update Service (only for NTLM authentication and only necessary, if the PTV Content Update Service cannot detect it automatically)

You can find additional information on this topic in our manual here:

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