
SLA support request:

SLA support requests for errors of the PTV Cloud Service can be made by Customer via the Helpdesk Portal at or the Support App of MyPTV.

In cases of Error Classes 1 and 2, Customer shall send its SLA support requests to the incident email address provided in the notification of the product activation.
SLA support requests may only be sent by Customer not by Authorized Users

Upon observing an error of the PTV Cloud Service, Customer shall create a support request, containing

  1. A description of the error,
  2. Evidence of the occurrence of the error, and
  3. The severity of the error in accordance with the error classes 1-4 set out in Error classification below

Error classification:

Class 1: Errors that have critical impact on the business operations of Customer, in particular, major features are unavailable, severely disturbed or
             frequently interrupted. Customer cannot carry out their daily work, is at risk of losing data or is under the threat of a total system failure. There is no way to
             work around the problem.
Class 2: Errors that have a significant impact on the business operations of Customer. The PTV Cloud Service continues to perform but with important restrictions in performance or functionality.
Class 3: Errors that have moderate impact on Customer’s business operations. Performances or functions are temporarily or partially restricted, affecting slightly Customer’s daily work.
Class 4: Errors without any impact for Customer and of lowest priority, such as functional questions or routine messages

PTV reserves the right to classify the errors based on priority and severity if Customer does not classify the error. PTV reserves the right to re-classify the error if it appears that Customer’s
original classification was not reflecting its real severity or if subsequent corrections have been partly implemented and have caused a change in severity.

Response Time:

The response times for correctly reported errors of the PTV Cloud Service by Customer are determined depending on the severity of the error as follows:

Error categoryResponse time
1Four (4) hours
2Six (6) hours
3One (1) week
4More than one (1) week

The beginning of the response time corresponds to the time at which the ticket has been logged into the Helpdesk Portal or of receipt of the SLA support request to the incident email address. The processing of an error starts with the
acknowledgement of the ticket, continues with its analysis and concludes with the definition and implementation of a permanent solution or a workaround.
Customer is aware that software programs and solutions are prone to errors which cannot be resolved as rapidly or as completely as estimated. In other respects, Section 10 applies.


The availability of the PTV Cloud Service is determined on the basis
of the following values which are calculated as a time percentage over a month,
excluding the time slots reserved for Planned Maintenance:

  • Gross availability in minutes: VB = number of calendar days per month * 24 hours * 60 minutes
  • Maintenance in minutes: WG = Time for Planned Maintenance
  • Net availability in minutes: VN = VB – WG
  • Downtime in minutes: A
  • Actual availability in percentage: V = (VN – A) / VN

The actual availability of the PTV Cloud Service is V: 99.9%

PTV plans periodic proactive maintenance (“Planned Maintenance”) on the servers. In average, the interruption for a given PTV Cloud Service is likely to amount to one (1) hour per week per cartographic cluster.
PTV Cloud Service interruptions superior to one (1) hour are usually notified seventy-two (72) hours in advance, barring emergencies which are handled immediately. The following definitions shall apply:

  • The transfer point is the point of transition from the Internet to the servicing data processing centre (“Transfer Point”).
  • The PTV Cloud Services are deemed available if the methods of the PTV Cloud Service interface or the application generate defined responses (“Responses”) to the defined requests (“Requests”) at the Transfer Point.
  • Downtime is the time when a defined Request at the Transfer Point does not generate a Response
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