
This problem can be solved by properly verify you and / or the user visibility settings.

To check if your settings are good, you must go to the “Users | Management” > “Users and roles” page.
There, you must look for your account and by clicking the “edit” button on the right you access to the edit page of your account.
There, you must select the option “View all users of your company” (or, in case you haven’t the rights to modify these options, ask the admin to do it). 


To check if user’s settings are good, you must follow the same steps and go in the edit page of the user (in case the user you can’t see is a driver, you find it in the page “Users management” > “QrDelivery users”).
There, you must select the options “Visible on contact list of the users of the same company” and “Visible on contact list of the users of the same context” (or, in case you haven’t the rights to modify these options, ask the admin to do it).


Please remember, it is not possible for an external user (like, for example, a driver who belongs to carrier company and not to the context) to start a conversation with a context user. On the other hand, if the proper setting is on, a driver can be visible on the context users contact lists.
In other words, a context user can start a conversation with a driver, but a driver cannot start a conversation with context users.
This is because of privacy reasons, since a driver must not have full visibility on context people.

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